About Us


For over 30 years, Accurate Energy Group has been providing property owners & managers, large and small companies, hospitals, non-profits, and government agencies with a reliable and professional source to recover utility overcharges, verify billing rates, and establishing ongoing savings. Further, our detailed breakdown of energy costs at the granular level provides our clients with valuable insight towards efforts to reduce and control energy costs and pursue their sustainability objectives.


SUCCESS IN AUDITING ALL UTILITY CHARGES: AEG audits all energy related bills including electric, natural gas, water & sewer, steam, fuel oil, HVAC, and ESCO Supply charges.

SUCCESS IN SECURING REFUNDS ON MULTIPLE ISSUES: AEG secures refunds on many billing issues including inaccurate meters, incorrect rates, erroneous readings, estimated and corrected bills, accounting errors, regulatory issues, ESCO overcharges, and many others.

EXPERIENCE IN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HEARINGS: Utility companies do not want to acknowledge errors and often deny refunds or offer inadequate adjustments. When this happens, AEG pursues remedy through the NYS Public Service Commission (PSC), DEP, LIPA, and other complaint handling and appeal processes.

ABILITY TO SECURE RATE REDUCTIONS: AEG conducts extensive research into alternate rate opportunities including off-tariff or limited offering rates, voluntary rates, etc. Our clients have saved millions of dollars resulting from alternative rates.

CLIENT RELATIONS & ADDED VALUE: AEG seeks to establish a relationship with our clients to do more than just audit their bills. We provide a wide range of consulting services and studies to assist owners and managers with energy related issues

A NOTE ABOUT SALES TAX RECOVERY: AEG has extensive experience in understanding and implementing energy related sales tax exemptions. AEG will secure your refund AND correct the tax rate, so ongoing savings inure only to client. [If your current “Utility Auditor” is only getting you State sales tax refunds and you are receiving refunds every 2-3 years, your auditor has not corrected the rate and will collect fees in perpetuity on the correctible tax rate issue]

A NOTE ABOUT ESCO’S: Many auditors are also energy brokers and often provide your energy supply. AEG is not a broker, nor do we seek to sell you electric or gas. As objective auditors with no conflict of interest, we have saved our clients millions in identifying excessive
ESCO supply charges. We have found clients sometimes paying +2x the standard market rates from excessive or erroneous ESCO rates.

Accurate Energy Group